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My Path

After middle school, my initial career goal was to become a chef. I enrolled in a year of culinary school, but soon realized it wasn't the right fit for me. During summer break, I began crafting things from wood, discovering my true passion for furniture design. I dedicated four years to professional woodworking school at Meran's Luis Zuegg Vocational School, where I attended classes one day a week and worked the rest. After completing my studies, I ventured into a different field, electrical repair and installation. However, the desire to work with wood resurfaced, leading me to a five-month stint as a carpenter. While I enjoyed working with wood, I found that traditional carpentry wasn't the right fit. In April 2023, I embarked on an internship with Harry Thaler, a highly-renowned designer in South Tyrol. It was during this experience that I discovered my true calling. Now, I'm dedicated to designing various objects using a variety of materials and making a livelihood out of it. I can't wait to see where it takes me.

- Flex


Sculpted Synthesis, Lana, 2023

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